
Research on photocatalysts has revealed that conventional photocatalytic materials (titanium dioxide) are not very effective in sterilization and disinfection.
In order to enhance the sterilization, anti-fungus, and anti-virus functions, the world’s first and only patented photocatalytic coating technology, RENE PLUS (NFE2), is a next-generation hybrid photocatalytic coating technology that combines metallic copper, silver ions, and tungsten trioxide in a photocatalyst.
All NORICO walking sticks are also coated with RENE PLUS antibacterial coating.
全てのNORICO取扱商品に、RENE PLUS(ルネプラス)抗菌コーティングを施しております。
RENE PLUS(ルネプラス)の特徴

In the world’s first technology, copper and copper ion (Cu2+Cu2+), silver ion, fluorine resin called Nafion, and tungsten trioxide are hybridized with photocatalytic technology, resulting in strong sterilization (disinfection), anti-mold, and anti-virus functions. The hybridization of silver ions and Nafion, a fluoropolymer and tungsten trioxide, with photocatalytic technology provides excellent sterilization (disinfection), mold prevention, and antiviral effects.
Once generated, copper ions continue to be effective for a long period of time due to the synergy effect of photocatalyst and metallic copper, protecting the space where the coating is applied. The patented technology we have developed is used in various facilities such as medical, educational, and nursing care facilities.
一旦発生した銅イオンは光触媒と金属銅のシナジー効果によって長時間に渡り効果を持続し続け、コーティング施行された空間を守ってくれます。 開発した特許技術は医療施設・教育施設・介護施設など、様々な施設で使用されています。
Indoors, it is effective in sterilization, disinfection, deodorization, odor control, and mildew prevention for ceilings, glass surfaces, walls, furniture, floors, and fabrics.
Outside, RENE PLUS is effective in sterilizing, disinfecting, deodorizing, odor, mold, insect, rust, and stain resistance for roofs, exterior walls, and plantings.
RENE PLUS can be sprayed on smartphones, tablets, and home appliances such as microwave ovens and refrigerators. The photocatalytic effect lasts for about 3 to 5 years even on smartphones that are often touched.
RENE PLUS is also utilized in facilities where safety and security are required, and has the characteristic of semi-permanent effect in places where it is not touched by hands.
スマートフォンやタブレット、また電子レンジや冷蔵庫などの家電にもRENE PLUSは噴霧が可能です。普段よく触るようなスマートフォンでも、光触媒の効果期間は約3~5年ほど持続します。